A bit of controversy was stirred up by the article in Motorcycle Classics magazine regarding my '33 Velocette KTT MkIV... a fellow named Richard Ong, who has been in the classics 'scene' since the bikes were new, had harsh words for me. It was generous of editor Richard Backus to print my response in the same issue, to give both sides of the story. (Click on the image above to read the letters).
I respect that Mr. Ong knew Eddie Arnold (who built 'the Mule' in its current state) and has high regard for Eddie's workmanship and development (as do I - in fact no one has a closer relationship with his handiwork). The motorcycles in my care tend to be ridden quite a bit, and the motorcycles I seek out are the ones I'm really curious to ride. If I can't ride it, or the machine doesn't live up to my standards, it goes to a new home.
Every collector has a different relationship with the motorcycles in his/her garage, and I know I fall on one end of the spectrum, but we're all interested in the same thing; preservation, appreciation, and enjoyment.