The '38 MSS amid the ruins of a former world; ranches and dry-land farming, now gone picturesque as wind farms and dry-tolerant wheat fields have taken over.
The Dalles bridge; on the edge of spotty cloud cover - eastward is sun, westward rain, thus it was all day, but the rain never stuck, just dotted the sunshine
Behold!  The Mk7 KTT hidden within, released on a later day to sing its song
Kim Young on her 1930 KSS, the oldest bike on the rally.
KSStina's world...
Into the wild, on a 'primitive' road, to see a canyon
Winding, winding downward into yet another glorious canyon; the Klikitat river
Atticus.  Its hard being little sometimes.
Brake rotor for a wind turbine
Days of heaven
Ian's 'would you look at that' gesture
Kim's 1930 KSS; 350cc, ohc, 260lbs, cruising all day at 60mph
Atticus escapes the chair to see the world as Dad sees it
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