The plot thickens.. we have two claimants to the title of Madame X:

#1. Ellen Pfeiffer, founder of W.I.M.A. in Europe in 1958, who died in 2001 at 69 years old. I've found two documented photos of Ellen, which are above and below.

#2. Anke-Eve Goldmann, of whom I know nothing. But, photos claiming to be of Anke-Eve form the 1970's riding an MV Agusta (see below) overlap with a few of the earlier photos of Madame X riding her BMW...

The lust for speed evident in the high-speed pix of the woman on the BMW R69S and the MV Augusta 750S (above) is certainly a common thread, as is the need to have the newest/fastest motorcycle. I'll continue to research these intriguing women, and post the results.

Clearly she is 'getting down to it' with the MV, which is a much faster machine, capable of 230kph, whereas the R69S would reach 180kph on a very good day.

She appears to have two MVs; a modified 750S, seen above, and an earlier 750 America with a fairing, wire wheels, drum brakes, and a chrome exhaust system.

It's terribly difficult to sort out a who's who on this one... perhaps one our readers will enlighten us?
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