Variety is the spice of life.

WTF kind of bike is this????

They say variety is the spice of life. Well I guess not all of us can be content with just owning a bike for fun.

One of my friends, Scott Storms , owner/operator of Stormy Custom Bike Works actually owns this miniature Submarine, and it actually works. How cool is that!

I was at the shop a few days ago talking about what we were going to do with my license plate set up, and just had to take a few pictures, seing as it was at the shop. I had heard him talk about it several times before, but was amazed at how cool this thing really was once I got to see it with my own eyes.

He is having talks with the MN DNR, last I heard and it sounded like they were going to rent use of it once in a while.

I tried to talk him into painting it yellow. He wouldn't bite! LOL!
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