As mentioned in my earlier post, a new Brough Superior SS100 is under development, which is intended to be produced in England, although the prototypes are currently being assembled from parts manufactured in Europe and England. Having seen some of the components for these new machines, I am assured that the quality of the new SS100 will exceed that of the original. The first models (3 of which are already sold) will be replicas of the 1928 JAP-engined KTOR SS100 'Alpine Grand Sports'. Further development of the new SS100 is in the planning stages, to create a new machine which closely resembles the original 1928 SS100, but has modern conveniences such as an electric starter, improved electrics and brakes which conform to modern expectations.

Here's the press release (and by the way, you read it here first, once again):



Centenary House, La Grande Route de St Pierre, Jersey JE3 7AY

Telephone: 01534 487757 Facsimile: 01534 485261

Email – davids@fcmtrust.com


Following an amicable negotiation with the Card family, and effective 15th May 2008, we are pleased to announce the purchase of The Brough Superior Engineering Limited, together with the assets of The Brough Superior Engineering Limited. This follows the earlier acquisition of Brough Superior Motorcycles Limited.

The acquisition includes the patents, the intellectual property rights, and the exclusive rights of the trademark and logo, of the historically renowned company.

The transaction is the brainchild of Mark Upham, the manager of British Only Austria GmbH [purveyors of early British motorcycles] and, who has been appointed CEO of the new Brough Superior operation. Mark Upham, 51, is a life long enthusiast for Brough Superior motorcycles. He takes this opportunity of expressing his thanks to Mr Card for protecting the Brough Superior assets during the period in which he was the official custodian.

A full company policy statement will follow in due course.

In the meantime it should be stated that the company’s intention is to preserve, protect, and promote the prestige and momentum, which continues to attach to the Brough Superior legend.

Issued by Mike Jackson [Communications Officer], West Winds, Cupernham Lane, Romsey, Hants SO51 7LE Tel: 01264 810875 / Email: oldmj@ukonline.co.uk

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